Thursday, June 27, 2002

Lately I've been tinkering with this page and trying to fool around with the html and the layout of it... hopefully it'll be okay.. and the new guestbook addition too.
Anyways, alot has happened since my last entry way back on my other blogpage Ruth's Wedding Rants. Wayne and I have returned from our lovely honeymoon (Hawaii and Singapore) where we had a fabulous time eating, shopping, and lots of sightseeing and relaxing. We got a chance to see some of Wayne's relatives in Singapore too, so that was nice. I got myself a nice metal watch and two cheungsams too! =)

Returning from our trip came with mixed feelings... we were sad that our vacation was ending (that means we're coming home to alot of work at the house and Wayne's dreaded residency) but at the same time, we were happy to come home, because we really missed our family and friends. I especially missed my family when I was in Singapore... after hanging out with Wayne's relatives, it caused me to think about my own relatives and how distant we are in our relationships. I also repeatedly had nightmares about my family while we were in Singapore. That was disturbing too.

Anyhow, now that we're back, we really DO have alot of work ahead of us.... the following Monday Wayne had to report to the hospital for his first day... and I was left in the new house with a TON of house projects. There are literally boxes EVERYWHERE... boxes from the wedding, boxes from the wedding gifts, boxes from moving, and just STUFF everywhere, and no furniture to properly organize and place everything. Also, my smashed up car (see: Ruth's Wedding Rants) was also found MISSING when we came back from the trip... so I had to do some calling around to see if it was either 1) towed or 2) stolen. The second option sounded ludicrous (who wants a beat up 86 Buick?!) but the police didn't find my car on their records as towed. So I've filed a police report for a stolen vehicle. Anyways, we recently received a loan from my in-laws, to purchase a new car, and so we did at Stevens Creek Nissan. =D <--- Ruth beaming

Wayne also got his call schedule for the next six months.... to which I've come to realize that I THOUGHT I was prepared to marry an intern, but I'm still unprepared for all the little sacrifices that it entails. What crushed me the most was that he was set to be on call during Christmas Eve and New Years... our very first holidays together...!! =( Well, we'll try to make the most of what we've got...

Posted by Ruth at 6/27/2002


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