Caroline came over this weekend to hang out with me here in Sac. Wayne was working all weekend (and on call too) so she kept me from getting too lonely. We went shopping and took a dip in Tuan's jacuzzi. It was fun to hang out and catch up. Although there were times I really missed Wayne, I kept busy with hanging out with Caroline and some CAT people at Tuan's housewarming. I also went to CAT's CORE meeting the past weekend too, since I've decided to take over Mark's role for Bible Study Coordinator. A little hesitant with this role, I'll be needing alot of encouragement in this area. I was approached to do worship and high school group too (ironically I was approached because Tracy is stepping down from these things and they need more people, so they say). I declined them all.
Went to church by myself since Wayne was still working. It was a little tough, but a bit refreshing too.. was able to come before God by myself rather than hide behind Wayne (which is what I usually do). Found out that I have alot of work that still needs to be done in me, and how much I still need Him. Pretty basic stuff, but important at the same time.
Posted by Ruth at 9/08/2002
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