Friday Five Time!
1. How are you planning to spend the summer?
Pretty much whatever I'm already doing. Housewifey stuff. Occasionally sending out resumes here and there. Hanging out. Usual church stuff...
2. What was your first summer job?
Lessee.... My first consistant summer job (besides the random babysitting gigs) was the summer right after H.S. graduation. I was a warehouse assistant at a small company in Sunnyvale called Integrated Silicon Solutions, Inc. I counted chips, shipped out orders, did packing slips, yadda yadda yadda. It was kinda fun. Craig and Michelle later joined me, and we hung out. Fun stuff.
3. If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go?
DEFINATELY Maui. Another honeymoon would be great just about now.
4. What was your worst vacation ever?
Because I have a very selective memory, I don't really remember. But it was probably one of those family vacations when I was little - where you get into some huge family fight and it ruins the whole trip. I got in trouble alot when I was a kid. Family vacations were never fun for me.
5. What was your best vacation ever?
Probably my honeymoon. We were in Maui and Oahu for a week, then Singapore for another week. It was SO relaxing and a whole lot of fun. We need another trip like that (see #3).

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Posted by Ruth at 6/27/2003
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