Tuesday, December 30, 2003


I think sometimes we as human beings get so caught up in our own little worlds and the little petty things in life that we get anxious about, and get caught up complaining and whining about how life didn't treat us well or how it should treat us a certain way or how we want things different yadda yadda yadda.... and after talking to L today, I realize just how much hope I have in life and how incredibly blessed I am. Instead of focusing on what we DON'T have, enjoying what we DO have... and its so incredible once I think about it... Wayne is such an incredible blessing, and it took me this long to realize that he isn't going anywhere (he's here to stay!) and wow, God must really love me to allow me to experience something so great, so wonderful, so incredible. The life given to me, the friends, the family (yes, even my own family), the experiences (both good and bad) have equally blessed and matured me. Of course, God loves me just the same despite whether I have these wonderful experiences or not, but to me, this proves that God is no longer "out to get me" as I used to think (evidence of my really small faith, but that's another story). My cup overflows...

Posted by Ruth at 12/30/2003


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