Monday, December 08, 2003

Pensive absense

Been doing alot of personal thinking lately about alot of things the past couple weeks. Not sure if I wanted to share them so publicly on this page (since I know who reads this). But I have noticed that ever since Wayne came into my life, I've been a bit more private from my friends than I was before. A good portion of it, perhaps, is just learning how to shut my trap and learning discernment with what I say and what I don't say (the other portion is venting everything to Wayne and thus not having to dump it on anyone else - sorry Wayne!). =) I think I'm getting better as I get older (hopefully). There are some personal frustrations on my behalf with particular friendships, ministries, and generally where God is (or isn't) taking me in life right now. But rather than sound off on each of these subjects in minute detail, I'm trying to do some reflection on my motives, my expectations, and my real intentions. The stuff of the heart is always a difficult thing. Especially when you take it upon yourself to be really honest with yourself and with God.

Posted by Ruth at 12/08/2003


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