Spent most of 9/11 getting some work done on my thesis (I changed the direction of my topic, so I had to start over and come up with a completely new survey instrument and problem statement). Finished my survey instrument, and a one-page background on my topic so I can present this to my new thesis advisor (whom I hope will like it and won't give me flak on it and make me change it or do more work on it). I also spent some time watching all the 9/11 commemorative stuff on TV, and was quite moved by all the stories and experiences shared. Did some reflecting on how 9/11 impacted us as a nation, and all the different ethnic groups in our country. Also got to catch Bill Clinton on Letterman too. Man, I wish he was president again. Argh. It's a shame how the whole Monica Lewinsky thing brought him down... it really made our country make a sharp turn for "moralism" (which, ideally, isn't that bad) but in practice, it brings out legalism and condemnation (and where's the message of grace when the law is present?). There's a reason why our founding fathers made a church and state distinction. Besides, I think every president should have a "Monica" moment sometime in his/her presidential career. Keeps 'em humble and shows our need for God. I personally think the whole fiasco was a good thing for Clinton -- everyone needs a humbling moment. And I have greater respect for him, ever since he did his best to cling to God in his moment of desperation. Like my brother-in-law Kenn would say, "builds character!"
So anyways, just my personal thoughts (I'm sure some people will want to shoot me for some of my ideas, but who cares). Alot of my personal beliefs tend to offend people (both conservatives and liberals) so I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. So that's why I think I'll probably shut up just about now.
Posted by Ruth at 9/12/2002
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