Spent nearly all day with M. Saw S briefly... felt awkward (I wonder if he felt awkward too?). Got home late, tired, and depressed. Popped in an Andie McDowell movie, and it didn't help -- the movie was extremely sad, which didn't help my mood much. I called Wayne, who was terribly busy. Missing him alot today. And upset that my parents let my sister spend an entire weekend in So. Cal with my brother and FSIL but they didn't allow her to visit me in Sac for one measly afternoon.
I hate it when emotions get control of me. Tommorrow I'll take charge and make a conscious decision to not have a bad day. Today, however, I'll just wallow in it and wait for Wayne to call me. I hate weekends where I barely see my husband at all.
Posted by Ruth at 12/28/2002
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