Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Merry Christmas, from Wayne's call room (5th floor) at Sutter General!

Caught Red-Handed
And yes, if you've noticed, I'm blogging really early this morning. Wayne left around 6am to round at Sutter Memorial (midtown) and he promised to be back around 7am to get me and escort me out of here before the next resident comes on board. It just so happens that Nate, the next resident, walked in while I was sleeping, and I think we freaked each other out..! He turned on the lights and saw me in bed, and was shocked (probably trying to figure out who I was). I woke up to bright lights, and a man staring at me from the foot of the bed, and realized it was Nate... and because it was so early in the morning, I couldn't think fast enough. Especially when I wasn't wearing pants nor was Wayne's nightshirt that I was wearing totally buttoned up (sorry if that was TMI). I frantically pulled the covers a bit higher and mumbled something about Wayne coming back soon. After logging in on the computer, Nate said an awkward Merry Christmas and left the room really fast.

Wayne's gonna have to do some apologizing to Nate later. =P

Posted by Ruth at 12/25/2002


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