Thursday, December 12, 2002

Stayed up til almost 4:30am last night... waiting up for Wayne (call me crazy) and doing my paper to keep time. Clement was online and we chatted until he konked out around 4am (thanks for keeping me company, Clem). Wayne called periodically to let me know how the progress was at work, and he didn't get back til 6am. The good part is, he got a ton of deliveries, and now he's not going to work both Thursday and Friday. Yay!

Sue called me this morning and when I called her back, she asked how come I have a cold... am I okay? Feeling stupid, I just told her that this is how I sound in the morning (I just woke up), all plugged up, nasal, and an extremely low voice. Haha. Retarded sounding, but its true.

Last night Todd Wong gave me some APA tips. Man do I feel a whole lot better or what. If I had known earlier that he knew APA like the back of his hand, I would have consulted him 2 weeks earlier, and maybe not have my project rejected so many times. =P Anyways, back to the paper. Cross your fingers that this will be my last and final draft...!!

Posted by Ruth at 12/12/2002


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