Wayne came home a little after 3pm today... yippee! I guess not much is happening in OB today (no babies). We got the mail together (when you're happily married, you end up enjoying silly mundane activities together) and we got a Christmas card from his aunt in Chicago. She writes really tiny (she's scared of people and spies intercepting her communication), and her content is a bit loopy, as Wayne would call it (she has elements of some sort of disorder, with paranoia being a big symptom). Her thoughts don't completely flow together very well (it's actually quite confusing) but she's been writing to Wayne since his undergrad days. She once saw one of my dressers that I inherited from Wayne (it was red) and because of the color, she was suspicious that I was a Communist, and not to be trusted. But because she's awfully fond of Wayne, she's now okay with me. She even gave me one of her cookbooks with all her little notes on the margins (she was trying to be helpful) and I appreciated it. Family members were worried that she might cause a ruckus at the wedding, but she enjoyed it thoroughly and was no trouble at all. All of the cousins make fun of her and even the inlaws throw away her stuff (she mails them alot of correspondence and outdated Consumer Report publications) and minimally put up with her (she's a source of some family conflict) but Wayne doesn't mind getting her letters all these years. He says its probably theraputic for her to write down her thoughts anyways, and shrugs it off.
I talked to Clem a bit online today. He's been my sounding board for quite a few years. It's always nice to bounce things off of him. After running things by him, l'm usually feeling really relieved and feel a lot better. Wayne always tends to endorse whatever advice Clem gives me. Neurotic people like me always need practical and grounded friends like Clem. =)
Chris and Audrey are staying over again tonight. I think Audrey has an interview with UCD (just like Jason, who had his interview today). I'm sure she'll do well. Okay, enough blogging and back to formatting. Blech.
Posted by Ruth at 12/03/2002
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