Saturday, November 30, 2002

Today was productive (thesis-wise) as well as fun (hanging out with friends). Will came over bright and early in the morning... as everyone else was up super early this morning to catch those after-Thanksgiving sales (aka: Edwin staying up all night). We had a huge lunch at Wayne's parents' place, and then headed off to Fred & Judy's. It was cool catching up with Emily Chen, Willie & Lena, Jason & Iris, and a bit with Peter F (our beloved pastor) and his wife Jean. After Caleb's bday party, we all trooped over to Cindy Y's place to hang out. Edwin set up his makeshift portrait studio and snapped a couple portrait shots of me, Wayne, Will, and then a group photo. With all his equiptment, Edwin's looking alot more professional now (where's your muscle shirt?!) =)

After dinner, Cindy L came over to study with me. We were surprisingly productive, which was really cool. It's always cool chatting with her, I feel like I don't have to have any false pretenses and I can be real and raw and it's okay. We also have similar views on Asian-American issues as well as political issues, so its always nice to talk trash with someone. Gene came over too, and watched the "Fellowship of the Rings" with Wayne. Gene and Cindy just left.... and it's now 2am. Time for bed... *yawn*

Posted by Ruth at 11/30/2002


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