Friday, November 22, 2002

Last night I took care of some CAT business... asked Christine and TW to help out with some of the thanksgiving activities. Pris and I are playing phone tag. She and Enoch wanted to cook us dinner this weekend... for reasons because: they love us and want to appreciate us, and by the way, Happy Birthday, Ruth. =P Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to her yet to let her know that dinner plans this weekend are packed. =( Although Wayne and I miss hanging out with those two (we have LOTS to catch up on), we definately need to find time, if dinner doesn't work. Wayne's taking me out tonight, and Gene is coming over tonight and staying til tommorrow. Chris Chan and his fiance Audrey (friends of Janelle's and Leonard's too -- what a small world) will be staying Sunday night. We'll try to set up something with them Sunday and have Janelle and Leonard come hang with us too.

Last night I sacrificed my TV night (I missed Will & Grace!! *sniff*) to hang out with Wayne at the Marketplace's Starbucks while he was working on a presentation for a couple med students. When we were about to leave, Wayne told me to turn around, and there was a guy that looked EXACTLY like Hedo Turkoglu. He was sitting down, having a smoke outside with some Turkish looking girls. And that's another thing, I don't get it when professional atheletes smoke... especially when they are in a sport that requires alot of running around. I know Vlaude smokes too. Maybe its a cultural thing (according to Wayne). Anyways, we tried not to stare *too* hard, but I told Wayne to drive around the corner to get a better look. We confirmed that it really was Hedo. Anyways, I guess that made up for missing Will & Grace that night. =)

My JCrew dress came in, and it fit PERFECTLY. Also, Wayne said something about getting that VS dress that I've been craving for my birthday. (!!!!!!) Of course, he doesn't have to get it... with our finances looking the way they do and all (we just got another property tax bill for next year -- $2500!!). Last night I had a dream that I was hanging out with Jeannie and a couple other high school friends (don't ask me why Jeannie and my high school friends were put together) and we bumped into my old H.S. French teacher -- ARGH!! I had forgotten to turn in a particular assignment, and she was laying the pressure on me. Plus, Jeannie was giving me advice on filing for bankruptcy, because of our finances. When I woke up, I felt a bit weird. But it was only a dream. *whew*

Today I'm going to make banana bread. Hope it turns out okay. =)

Posted by Ruth at 11/22/2002


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