Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Last night I was pretty upset at Wayne. He usually comes home from work around 5-6pm and dinner is usually ready around then, but last night I waited for a couple hours... worried sick about where the heck he was. He came back home after 9pm... to find his wife NOT a happy camper. I hadn't eaten dinner either. A simple phone call to ease my nerves would have sufficed, but now he knows better. Cindy Y called me around 8pm, and helped to console me somewhat. Turns out that someone went into labor and was pushing for 3 hours straight (it was a 10 lb baby =O) and Wayne couldn't really leave and get to the phone in the meantime. I guess that's understandable. But there needs to be some better way of letting me know he's staying at work late so I don't have to wonder and worry where the heck he is (rather than fabricating stories in my head that he got into a car accident... maybe something happened to him on the way home... maybe they are trying to reach his next of kin... blah blah blah). Sounds so silly, but I was really worried. Anyways, when he came home, we made up, and I was glad he was okay. *whew*

Gene called me around 11:30am. I was still lying in bed when I picked up. =P My sleeping/eating habits have to get better. Maybe when this school stuff is over. He is thinking about visiting us this weekend, and I told him my birthday is on Saturday. I hate telling people about my birthday. There's this whole aura of whether or not you sound like you want people to do something for you or not. And even if the birthday person says "nah, I don't care... it's nice to just chill and keep it low-key," usually 70% chance they *really* mean "I'm hoping you get the hint that its my birthday so you can do something big for me" type of thing. Or then there are people like Mary who just say it like it is: "It's my birthday, can you do something for me PLEASE?" =) Personally, I really don't care (REALLY). It's rather embarrassing when people try to make it a big deal, and it kinda feels lame if its a half-way effort. Either you go all out, or you do nothing. As for me, I'll just settle for Wayne to take me out. Pathetic as it may seem, all I care about is hanging out with Wayne and spending personal time with him on that day. But he just told me that he might need to work a bit that day =( *sniff* *sniff* We'll see how it goes. Caroline has the same birthday as me (she's turning 20), so I'll probably call her... and since she's in the UK right now, I have to figure out the time difference and all that....

Posted by Ruth at 11/20/2002


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