Sunday, November 17, 2002

Got to church late (as usual). We saw Enoch's car pull up on I-5 along the way, and felt a little better. At least we weren't going to be the only ones getting dirty looks at church. Wayne and I agreed in the car not to let other people's judgment of us affect us at all. At least we tried. Anyways, after service we went to the Kinship Lay Person's meeting with Janice Joe. All the kinship reps were there, including me and Wayne, and Stephen (who was representing YACK). We got a chance to voice our concerns with our own group, as well as hear how other kinship groups were doing too. Sounds like Yack has some major concerns themselves... and Stephen set up office hours with me and Wayne later this afternoon. And then I got to flag Sandy Au down about the Christmas activities coming up. I have a sneaking feeling that Yack has absolutely nothing planned (they have their own problems retaining their own meetings week by week). So if we propose an activity, I gotta check in with the rest of the core group before having Mark put it on the calendar. Dah. I'm a terrible administrator. But at the same time, I feel like I'm in the right place, in the right ministry, doing the right thing. I know Wayne and I will not stay in CAT for very long... although we do intend on helping out for now and sticking around and keeping in touch. But maybe after awhile we will probably reach out on our own in search of that couple's kinship here and there... we'll see. Future's too far to predict... we'll just go a little step at a time, where God leads us...

Posted by Ruth at 11/17/2002


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