Monday, November 11, 2002

Woke up late today and realized my whole morning is already gone. Tracy called me -- right when I finished brushing my teeth. We were complaining about school (as usual) and talked a little bit about the DSM. It's funny how you can start identifying people when you go through all the different psychological diagnosis. Especially the personality disorders. I don't remember all the clusters, but I was reading one diagnosis (the narcissistic personality disorder) and I swear... it was almost as if the American Psychological Association had met this one friend of mine in person and was describing him to a T. Well, he's not a friend anymore... at the time he was a scary freak who seemed to be stalking me and couldn't take "no" for an answer. Freak boy. Back then, I was scared to stand up to him, and bought into all his manipulative lies. Now that I have a better sense of myself and my boundaries, I can see the situation a lot better now (hindsight is always 20/20, right?) Thank goodness I met Wayne just in the nick of time. Even in planning for the wedding, people wondered if he was going to crash it and do something really stupid (or harmful). Turns out that he didn't. But I had friends ready to stick up for me (and watch out for him). What a freak.

The DSM also explained a once unexplainable roommate of mine. Same cluster (I think its Cluster B -- the disorders that have a bit of dramatic/irrational behavior to it) and this time, it's the Borderline Personality Disorder. Ahhhh... it makes complete sense to me now.

And if I were ever labelled as having a personality disorder myself... hmmmm. I'd probably go with the Avoidant Personality Disorder (Cluster C -- the anxiety-binding types). But lets hope it doesn't affect my everyday functioning. ;-)

Posted by Ruth at 11/11/2002


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