Saturday, November 09, 2002

So I don't remember my stats too well (its been well over 5 years) and as I'm tinkering with SPSS, many terms sound vaguely familiar (but I still have no way in hell knowing what they really mean): Chi-Squared tests, T-tests, Regression, Non-paramentric Tests.... uck. The only think I think I know how to do is to run frequencies on indivdual variables, and run crosstabs on multiple variables against each other. The graph/charts that come out look pretty plain and crappy... and because I don't know how to do this with the program (or how to transfer my data to Excel)... I'm hand calculating ALL my percentages. Double uck.

My Fair Lady is on Bravo right now. I love Audrey Hepburn. Once, I made Wayne watch My Fair Lady. I think he was just being nice to me, but otherwise, he would have either 1) gagged when the characters burst into song or 2) fell asleep or 2) changed the channel. Funny, Wayne had the same reaction when watching Grease. *Sigh*. Don't know what to do with him. ;-)

Was lingering on M's Blog. And in reply: I sometimes can be quite dense or naiive, but I *think* I know what you may be talking about. If we're talking about the same thing, then I'll say that I suspected something earlier this week, and ran my thought through Wayne. He thought my theory -- if it was true -- was incredibly cute (he thinks any kind of potential romantic situation is cute; the awwwwwwwwww-factor). I smirked and told him that he was like a girl. He sweetly retorted that he would wish on all our friends that they would be able to find someone that they could truly love and be happy with... and experience true happiness, just as he has found (and experienced) with me.

[Throws hands up in the air in despair] I give up... with that reply, how could he NOT win? =P

Posted by Ruth at 11/09/2002


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