Friday, November 01, 2002

I was on campus nearly all day yesterday, visiting classrooms and distributing my surveys. One class did flake... either the prof forgot to mention that their class was cancelled for Halloween, or they changed classrooms and I was never notified. Anyways, I was pretty pooped after that. So as a treat, I went shopping and found some great deals at Walmart & Payless.

As for Halloween, I got home after 7pm really pooped out (especially after fighting traffic trying to get home, since there was a Kings game going on just a block from my neighborhood) and Wayne was passing out candy to all the little tykes that were tearing up the neighboring streets. You can literally hear them screaming and laughing in my neighborhood without even seeing them on the streets. That's how loud they were. But we have leftover candy (YAY) so now I can indulge myself with those Reeses Pieces and Kit Kat Bars. YUM.

So anyways, today I'm supposed to visit another class at noon and pass out my surveys there. But the prof never got back to me, so I guess it'll wait til next week. This weekend will be full: Gene is visiting, and so is Pris and Enoch. Stace will be coming by briefly on Saturday, and Emily might do the same on Sunday. I have about 150 surveys to enter into SPSS (this is the boring and very time-consuming part of research: data entry... UGH) and a 20-pager due Thursday. I also have Round 3 of heavy-duty office hours tonight too. God help me...

Posted by Ruth at 11/01/2002


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