Natasha and Archie came by and stayed over Friday night. Hadn't talked to Tash in awhile, so that was cool. Don't know Archie very well. Oh well. On Saturday, Wayne and I did some long awaited yard work and then headed off to Costco to get some party supplies. Some friends came over later to catch the Giants game and we munched on pizza and chicken and popcorn and who knows what else. Jeannie brought this pear cider that was really light on the alcohol. Sort of a girlie fruity drink, but that's okay. After the game, everything went downhill once the guys picked up the Nintendo 64. Us girls had to put a stop to it once it was midnight. Getting up for church was a bit more difficult because of that. Poor Wayne. He had to wake up even earlier (6am) and head off to work today, AND be on-call tonight.
Today was a little more tougher than most days. Something that George said at church clicked in me and the next thing I know, I'm sobbing in the pew. I rarely let other people (beyond Wayne) really see what I'm like on an "off-day", but this time I couldn't help it. Even so, I'm a strong woman and I can recover. I know what I can and cannot be responsible for, and although sometimes I'm wishing for more, I know that this family was granted to me for a purpose, and I'm at peace with that. Thing is, it just makes me miss Wayne a little more, since he's not around...

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Posted by Ruth at 10/20/2002
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