Sunday, November 03, 2002

After church, Gene, Wayne, and myself went for some dim sum at New Canton. I practically inhaled my food, I was so hungry. We saw Lina and her parents there, and Lina came over to chat and say hi. She looked happy and sunny, which was good. Mike came over later to drop off more boxes, and I guess Emily never called (wasn't really relying on it anyways).

Weekend was good -- filled with friends and good food. It was good to see Enoch (we haven't seen/talked to him in what seems like ages) so it was good catching up with him and also letting him know what's been going on here with us and with CAT. I checked in with him on his situation with his mom -- my sympathies towards that. He had also been thinking about me and Wayne and how I was doing with my family, and I shared about how sometimes I have my bouts of missing them, but ultimately I am so happy with where I'm at. Literally, I just feel really really really blessed with my new life with Wayne. But even so, sometimes its difficult to have a nonexistant family (parents, rather). I know Enoch understands, because every time I'm sharing with him my experiences, his eyes well up with tears and I know he's more than just listening to me -- he feels it too. This morning, an auntie (not a blood-relative, but just a good long time family friend of my parents') called me and wanted to give Wayne and me a really belated wedding gift. So we saw her at church and chatted a bit... and she was wondering whether I'll be visiting my parents for Thanksgiving. I wasn't sure how to honestly respond to that without getting pity (and I HATE pity) and delving into the whole story in public. It turns out that my parents were planning some big get-together and had invited this auntie and her family. Too bad I wasn't invited (or even heard of it). Even if I was invited, I probably wouldn't go if my own husband wasn't invited. He's come along with me no matter what, because he's my family too. *SIGH*

Posted by Ruth at 11/03/2002


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