Last night G didn't call... and I thought he was supposed to. I feel bad that I haven't been around lately for him and he's needing to talk about stuff ever since last week. Wayne tried calling his cell last night after we got back from bible study. G didn't pick up... oh well.
Speaking of supporting others, I saw M at church the other day. It was good seeing her again, although I'm noticing that our friendship has been changing the past couple months. She used to call me quite a bit whenever she needed help or a listening ear, and always poured out her heart and all the difficulties she's been having living away from home. Sometimes our interactions were draining for myself, because there were times I felt our friendship was one-sided -- it was all about her and her problems, and emotionally I felt resentful and tired of it. I eventually started guarding my boundaries and not immediately jumping to help her everytime she called for help. Just to let her know that I have a life too, subsequently my own problems too, and say, don't you want to ask about how I'm doing too? I'm sad to say this, because we've been great friends since the start of college, and she was there beside me when I said my vows.... but there are times when I am very tired of this type of friendship. Perhaps she's noticed my wariness lately, because we hardly talk anymore when she comes back. Which makes me a little sad, but at the same time, a little glad to not feel constantly dumped on. Am I mean for saying this? I just feel really tired of carrying other people's burdens, and not receiving the same type of support back towards me. I don't think its bad to ask for a little respect and reciprocity, no? *sigh*
Posted by Ruth at 11/12/2002
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