Saturday was another hangout day. This time, Wayne and I accidentally slept in until noon... right when Cindy Y came over so we could carpool to Sunnyvale together to have lunch with my Tem gals. We met everyone there had had sushi; then went over to Santana Row (talk about wow -- I saw a scarf that costed $210), and then finally hung out at Fantasia over a nice hot green milk tea. I missed the girls -- it was good to just kick it with my old college roommates. It was also nice for Cindy to join us too -- I think she fits in well with the rest of us. Cindy made a passing comment about how I now have a "married look" on me... something about how I carry myself or how I present myself to others... more calm, settled, content. I will have to say, however, that hanging out with SS friends vs. CAT friends does bring out different sides of me. =P
After a really full dinner at Ocean Palace with the inlaws (Cindy joined us) -- the rest of the SS gang trooped over to Cindy's for Scattegories and ongoing bathroom conversations and jokes. It was good to see Thomas again, and hang out a bit with Jason & Iris. We said our last goodbyes to Will, who drives back down to SD early tommorrow morning. We promised we'd go visit him once Wayne gets vacation in late January.
It was also good hanging out with Cindy. Wished Barb was around too (she comes back from Sac tonight -- doh!) but we're driving back up tommorrow (Sunday) morning. I should call her one of these days. Miss her. Missed everyone. But I'm seeing that the group has changed somewhat, relationships have also changed, and for me to accept them as is and move on with the current state of things. We belong in Sac, and God has provided for so much since we've been there. Driving around the south bay area, recognizing all the streets and buildings and new shops and old shops... it was very nostalgic. I'm a person that does not do well with change (ironic, because among all my friends, the recent five years of my life has had the most transition and change among them all) and as I am getting all nostalgic and sad about all the familiar things in the Silicon Valley.... I'm also reminded of why I was itching to leave this area for Sacramento a couple years back. Growing up in a place like this, I was determined not to be a product of my environment, and be sucked into the Silicon Valley/dot-com/money/affluent mentality. Diversity and living outside of the bubble was what I was looking for... and my quest started with missions, and has thus far brought me into social work and then to Sacramento. I know its not far from San Jose, but hey... gotta start somewhere. At least I'm out of the bubble for now. But boy do I miss this place... it reminds me so much of my family...
Posted by Ruth at 12/01/2002
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