Saturday, May 24, 2003

I spent most of yesterday outside of my house, just because it was way too hot and stuffy inside the house. Actually, I don't mind the heat so much - it was the stuffiness that got to me. I got to run some errands and after work, Wayne met me at the clubhouse near the pool. We lounged in the hot tub for a good while (Wayne was enjoying it too much to leave it) and then afterwards we went to a late dinner at River City Brewery (at Downtown J Street Mall - I really like it!) and then walked over to the Jazz Festival at Old Sac. They were playing live music underneath the I-80 freeway at the entrance of Old Sac, and a nice attendant let us sneak in for free of charge (its $20/day, $47/all weekend). We didn't get to bed until 2am. It was a fun evening.

Now I gotta pack for church camp. I think I'm going to bring my Neil Anderson books with me - they've been good reminders for me. Satan has been feeding me a whole lot of lies this past year, and its time to loose him while re-grasp the truth about who God is and who I am, as well as rebuild my faith. I've also been convicted of several areas of my life that need dire attention: forgiveness of several individuals in my life as well as the shocking realization that the way I live my life reflects that I don't depend on God. *sigh*

Posted by Ruth at 5/24/2003


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