Monday, August 04, 2003

Weekend Update

So it was alot of eating, hanging out, and being polite. hehe. Yup, you guessed it right - more family time (this is my third weekend in a row to Rice Bowl). C and P came over to hang out, which was cool. We took them to Danielle's for some crepes. Yummy stuff. I also took a trip to Oakland with J, and barely missed P and E. We had a brief shopping stint at Vacaville (bought myself a cute purse at Sanrio) and then rushed home to clean up and change for a dinner get-together at C&A's. It was good to get together with them couple to couple. We miss that. When we get a chance, Wayne'll set up something with M&N and C&A. Our first time "vacationing" with couple friends. Finally!!!! =P In September, C will hook us up with some nice Giants tix, and Wayne finally fixed his schedule so we can go to E&K's wedding. Once we figure out what we're doing during Wayne's upcoming vacation time (any suggestions?), we'd be all set for August and September.

Other than eating and socializing and jumping from guest to guest, I also took some time to be quiet and do some reflecting. CG's spiritual summit was pretty good for me (and others). I also started realizing this weekend that I have major counter-transference issues with a handful of friends. Not good. Not sure how to stop the chip on my shoulder from getting bigger and bigger. It's like that small crack in J's windshield - with time, it'll grow bigger and bigger if she doesn't do anything about it.... and pretty soon everyone will be reminding me of my dad, and I'll be a basket case by then. Blech.

Posted by Ruth at 8/04/2003


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