Friday, January 02, 2004

Friday Five time...

What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .

Having lunch with J.... haven't seen/talked to her inawhile, so I'm looking forward to that. A&Ch are coming over (they just moved into the neighborhood a couple days ago) later this afternoon/evening and Thomas + LA posse will be staying the night here tonight. I'm also looking forward to Wayne coming home from work. Always. =)

2. ...over the next week?
Can't believe I'm saying this, but I am actually looking forward to trying out my new year's resolutions.

3. ...this year?
Deeper friendships, taking more personal risks (for the sake of personal growth), Wayne's pay raise come spring, and a couple of retreats coming up the next several months. I'm also looking forward to participating/attending several weddings this year. I"m also looking forward to some possible changes with our community - although a bit intimidating - it'll be exciting and I know it'll be good.

4. ...over the next five years?
Gosh I dunno... when Wayne gets out of residency in 2005... the day when I find a job (notice I didn't mention that in #3)... a closer more mature marriage, etc. I'm not big on looking that far into the future (5 years is alot for me), so its hard to answer that question. I'm also not taking any questions about a future family either (ask me in 5 years) ;-)

5. ...for the rest of your life?
Beyond growing old with Wayne, I have absolutely no idea. Whatever comes our way, I'm sure will be for the good. I'm sure God knows what He's doing.

Posted by Ruth at 1/02/2004


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