A different perspective?
"Thanks to Anna Quindlen for expressing so well the position of many of us who believe firmly in both God (with a capital G) and in left-wing policies ("At the Left Hand of God," March 8). Like Quindlen, I believe in following Christ's teachings to feed the poor, clothe the naked, tend to the sick and not wait for relief to "trickle down" from the wealthy. Jesus knew a thing or two about greed and self-gratification when he warned that it was as hard for a camel to pass through a needle's eye as for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And I ask the religious conservatives who supported the war in Iraq, Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill"? Where was these leaders' religion when they decided we had to strike first and not turn the other cheek? As a liberal, a Democrat and a practicing Roman Catholic, I am grateful for the American system that allows us the freedom to worship as we see fit. I resent being accused of being nonreligious or unpatriotic because I believe religious freedom means keeping religion out of politics. Let's show our religion through our actions instead."
Barbara Dowling
Fredericksburg, Va.
Taken from Newsweek, March 22, 2003 issue
Posted by Ruth at 3/19/2004
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