Starting to feel it...
You know when you aren't quite sick, but you start feeling the onset of a cold coming on? There's this little tickle and an invisible cloud hanging over you, and things just don't feel right and you just know that something big is going to take over your body. Well, I'm starting to feel that way... with ministries. As usual, W is right about me. I don't think I can handle more than one ministry at a time, or then I get super burnt out. And although things haven't officially started yet, I'm starting to feel like the onset of an overwelming, tiring, burnt out, next 3 months. Despite the fact that W and I are partnering up to co-lead some of these things, I'm still feeling that funny onset of yuckiness coming on... needing prayer with this.... =/
Posted by Ruth at 3/04/2004
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