Friday, February 20, 2004

Friday Facts

So I was organizing my recipe box (and realized I collected +200 recipes since my undergrad days, but that's beside the point) and found an old chinese article my mom translated for me about the uses of vinegar. It was so interesting to re-read this article, although some of it didn't make sense (or sounded just plain weird). Either way, I'll post my notes so at least someone can figure out exactly what they mean.

Vinegar uses:
1) For pork spare ribs (a small pinch needed); they bring out minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron) and nutrients.
2) For boiling eggs (a few drops needed); helps take off the shells.
3) For rice (add a few drops before steaming); brings out taste.
4) For bad refridgerator odors (store an open vinegar bottle inside); acts like a baking powder freshener.
5) For dishes that are too spicy (add vinegar to soften the spicyness)
6) Boiling vinegar sterilizes the air (through its steam).
7) For hiccups: Mix 2 Tbsp. vinegar & 1 Tbsp. sugar together and drink.
8) For bloody noses; place a vinegar-soaked cotton swab in nostril.
9) Increased vinegar intake decreases intestinal diseases.
10) For insomnia: Mix 1 Tbsp. vinegar in a glass of cold water and drink.
11) For puffy morning eyes: Mix equal portions of milk, vinegar, water and soak cotton swab. Place cotton swab over puffy areas. Wipe clean with a hot towel.
12) For teeth stains (from cigarettes): When brushing teeth, add vinegar to toothpaste before brushing.
13) For a relaxing bath: Add 1 cup of vinegar in hot bath water, this will relax the body.
14) Soak peanuts in vinegar for 24 hours, eat 7-10 of these peanuts a day, and this will lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.
15) For laundry: Shirt collar stains - Spray vinegar on stain area, let it sit awhile, then wash. Vinegar also helps in counteracting against sweat smells and prevents discoloring of clothes (only when washing with vinegar only). Another suggestion is to soak stockings in vinegar for more long-lasting usage.
16) For hair: Spray in hair before blowdrying, this results in soft, shiny, and beautiful hair.
17) For cleaning kitchen grease: Dip sponge/cloth in vinegar and wash. However, this is NOT for aluminum surfaces, only corningware and china.
18) For cleaning water bottles: Use vinegar to rinse.

If anyone actually uses any of these tips, let me know. I'm curious to find out how effective/disasterous results can be.

Posted by Ruth at 2/20/2004


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