Wednesday, May 05, 2004

My temptations

I think I'm beginning to understand where Satan can best trip me up. It's usually when I'm 1) comfortable and not alert (usually after reconciling with God or when things/life is going good) or 2) when someone offends me.

I was aware of #1, but I'm realizing how often #2 happens (unless I consciously decide to let it go). I never really grew up with boundaries so I never really had much experience in protecting them from people who cross the line and take advantage of me. Now that I am very aware of this, I've noticed how hypersensitive I am in this area, and every littlest thing will cross me the wrong way and cause me to get angry... just at the potential of my boundaries being violated. The tiniest thing! I know the pendulum swings both ways, so maybe one day it'll balance itself out. But in the meantime, I need to take several steps back when I feel the urge to lunge at someone with offense. Offense is a dangerous thing and from my past experiences, and having those poisons grow in your heart is not a path I want to take.

Posted by Ruth at 5/05/2004


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