Wednesday, April 21, 2004


Why do some guys feel the need to put down anything that remotely resembles or relates to femininity?! Is there anything WRONG with being feminine/girly/whatever-you-call-it? (Being "feminine" or however you define it is NOT equivalent to being "weak" either, so stop pushing those underlying labels on us!) What bugs me the most is that the guys who are guilty of this kind of slander are the ones that use this to make themselves feel better about their masculinity. Pleeeeeeeease. A guy who has the urge to 1) brag about his inflated masculinity or 2) put down anything feminine can just wear a sticker on his forehead labelled "insecure" and be done with it. Have a little respect - not everyone was created male (thank goodness) and God certainly didn't intend everything to be "macho" just like you. There's a difference between understanding, appreciating (even celebrating) our God-given differences versus belittling and disparaging them. Please, please stop.

People wonder why we women have more problems with self-image and self-esteem.... The underlying labels and lies about where/how we find our worth are subtle and damaging and EVERYWHERE. God created woman to for a distinct and special role that a man himself cannot fill. We have such incredible worth in who we are created to be, and not enough women realize it. In hiding our femininity, women pine to be something they weren't created to be (men)... rather than realizing that there is incredible freedom in embracing our woman-ness and who we were created to be (as women! nothing more, nothing less!).

Ok, off the soapbox now. Gosh that felt good to rant. No longer annoyed now. Whew.

Posted by Ruth at 4/21/2004


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