As Martha says, it's a "good thing"
#1: Outside in the backyard, occasionally small birds will be walking around and poking their beaks in the dirt. The other day I was watching a little bird (slightly bigger than a small sparrow) poking around, and when its head came up, he had a squirming cricket in its beak! The cricket was half the size of the little bird's head. And in 2 seconds, the bird swallowed the cricket up in one gulp. The more crickets they eat out there, the less come in the house. (Die, crickets, DIE!!!)
#2: On another note, Mel (an old china teammate) is coming to visit!! She was my teaching partner in the summer of 2000 and taught me the art of being flexible and teaching on the fly (aka: making it up as we go along). I love her to death and can't wait. YAY!!
Posted by Ruth at 4/14/2004
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