My non-resemblence to Neve?
Someone recently came up to me with the comment that I resemble the actress Neve Campbell. It totally took me back to when I was in college and some of the comments I had gotten about me and how my looks/mannerisms were similar and I was always absolutely completely confused (but flattered) by it (I have never seen her on TV nor have I ever seen Party of Five so I don't know what she's like). I look at myself in the mirror and I think, I am so NOT Neve... I'm scratching my head and thinking I haven't the faintest idea where the resemblence would start... hummm.... definately not the nose, nope, not the eyes either, oh darn, not the lips....uhh, maybe the cheekbones? NOT. Then I thought maybe it was my personality that resembled the character she played on that show (causing people to think I resemble her)... so I watched for maybe 2 minutes of it once and it was a scene where Neve's character got really whiney... and I was like, gosh, I hope that's not where the resemblence was at. Then I remember one time when some of my friends were arguing about this very subject, and one of them took a good hard look at me and concluded, "Nope, she doesn't look like Neve. Neve is HOT."
HEY! So what am I, chopped liver?!
Anyways, as a tribute to Neve, here's a very nice picture of her (to which you all can judge for yourselves because I haven't the faintest idea)

Posted by Ruth at 4/07/2004
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