Thursday, April 01, 2004

Struggle #2

Realizing that us women* are alot more prone to the problem of gossip than I thought. If I'm not watching it, I can invite it in and help someone else indulge in it - and later I look back and regret it. The lines are blurred and the intentions are muddled. Sometimes I don't realize how damaging gossip can destroy true fellowship. Back in high school and college, I was very conscious of this, but lately, I've realized that sometimes being with certain company has caused me to slip (it's almost how a complaining spirit can be dangerously contagious, and apparently, a gossiping spirit is as well). The past 6 months, I've really felt an inner urging (must be the Holy Spirit) to deal with this in my personal life and continue to guard against it. Reading about fellowship and unity within the body of Christ, Rick Warren asks: What am I personally doing to protect (rather than destroy) unity in my church family right now?

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

*Not saying that only women have this problem (because I know plenty of brothers who have this problem too), but that's besides the point (and, a whole other issue to delve into later) =P

Posted by Ruth at 4/01/2004


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