Marriage = lots of work!
I think we're at a point where we actually have to work at our relationship. I don't know if that sounds absurd to others out there, but I don't think we really had to work too hard at our relationship when we were dating, engaged, or even the first 2 years of our marriage. Yes, we had external stressors/struggles, but nothing internal that we had to work on because everything flowed so well and being fulfilled and content and happy with our relationship was so natural. Now, to continue being at that level will actually take effort on our parts, and we're beginning to realize that (or maybe I'm the only one realizing this so late in the game). I'm still blown away at just how different men and women are; our needs are almost the opposite of each other, and how each of us operates is in complete reverse of the other person. It takes great effort to be on the same page because of such differing gender perspectives. My expectations were not realistic, and neither were my assumptions. It's a funny thing, how God created man and woman to be together. This just blows my mind!
I'm thankful I have a husband who tries his utmost best to understand me as a woman (yes, I know, we women are so confusing - it almost seems like the confusion escalates even more that ever in marriage... so beware!) and seeing him try his very best to meet my innermost core needs is telling enough of his love for me. I just hope one day I can be at a point where I am able to do the same for him.
Posted by Ruth at 7/13/2004
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