Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Myth of Practicing the Presence of God

What does it mean, to "practice the presence of God"? Is that phrase even in the Bible or is it "holy Christian-lingo" conjured up by our own? Is it coined through our own descriptions of constantly being in God's presence, which really a fancy way of saying "praying continually"?

A topic that I sought after for my own personal prayer life - I was looking to figure out how to practice the presence of God in everything I did, at every moment in my life. Perhaps in hopes that the act in itself would put God in every part of my life and therefore I would not live out my life through the flesh, but in everything through the Holy Spirit. In trying circumstances, I wouldn't react out of my own flesh but through the Spirit. I would never feel spite or pride or jealousy or insecurity, but instead, I would exude faith, calmness, and forever be reflecting the fruit of the Spirit. In a sense, I thought this would be a great way to "make" me an obedient Christian, in thought and in action. A bit of an ethereal mindset, in a Christian sense.

A bit lofty, yes. I realized that "practicing the presence of God" is merely praying continually, as instructed by Paul (Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Do you acknowledge God's presence with you every moment as you go through your daily routine/schedule/day? What does it mean to be in conversation with God continually? To talk to Him throughout the day? Do I acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in me all the time?

Last night, Hubby crashed into bed. We usually try to catch up and share a bit (maybe even pray together) when the lights are out, before we sleep, but he was so tired. And when he fell asleep, I found myself just lying there, watching my husband sleep... watching his breathing, eyes closed, his peaceful expression on his face. At that moment, I prayed for my husband... I prayed for his day at work, prayed for his interactions with his patients and co-workers, prayed for his quiet times with God, prayed for his walk, and prayed for God to one day reveal to this wonderful man (what a gift he has been to me!) how to use his skills for His glory. And as I secretly and silently prayed, my love grew, and I began to feel God pulling my heart closer to His Presence and His own heart as I continued to talk to Him.

I don't think I can ever fully part from the ways of my flesh (not on this earth anyhow!), but to be in consistent conversation with God throughout my day would help me to focus on things above. A bit relieved that I can shed those heavy expectations of self-transformation, and let God do the transforming for me... knowing He is with me always, as I continue to walk with Him throughout my day, throughout my life.

Posted by Ruth at 8/11/2004


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