Back home!
The transition back will always be a bit more difficult. Even back in Kathmandu in our last days there, I could feel that I wasn't ready to go home just yet (yes, there's more culture shocking in coming home than in arriving there!). And I was right - last night we flew in (after 25 hours of flying... uck) and I was very unprepared to integrate and come back home (coming down from the mountain takes just as much prayer as the time on the mountain itself!). I anticipated this and am taking lots of personal time away to debrief and process on my own (and with Hubby) before I am able to meet up with others and share.
Other than that, it's nice to be back home (I'm so glad I decided to clean my house before I left - it's nice to come back to a clean house!!). My heart/thoughts are very much still on the other side of the world, and I'm hoping that this week I can do alot of initial debriefing/processing on my own. I thoroughly enjoyed all the encouragment received (through phone calls, emails, etc.) and God did indeed answer prayer and blessed our time there. He continues to work mightily and powerfully. As PA said last night, even if all the foreign missionaries and workers were pulled out, we're confident that the Church will still flourish and God's work will stand. What confidence and relief it is to serve such a sovereign, faithful, and mighty God.
May God continue to show me and allow me to see things through His perspective (may I never lose my grip on the eternal/global glimpse He's given me!) and may He continue to reveal to me the yearnings of His heart for all peoples (so that I can share in those same heart-yearnings as well!)...
Posted by Ruth at 10/12/2004
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