Gangsta Sesame Street
This is almost as disturbing as those Smurfs being bombed! (BTW, has anyone actually seen the smurf bombing video? I saw it and was deeply disturbed)
Posted by Ruth at 10/21/2005
This is almost as disturbing as those Smurfs being bombed! (BTW, has anyone actually seen the smurf bombing video? I saw it and was deeply disturbed)
Posted by Ruth at 10/21/2005
Yes, that is VERY disturbing. I haven't seen the smurf bombing video, haven't heard of it either. But I don't think I want to see it.
You know, it takes a sick mind to think of doing things like creating these pictures/videos or whatever(the Sesame Street and smuf thing) with children's program characters. At least that's my opinion.
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