Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What I did today

People are always wondering what I do with my time. I know this is not an accurate picture of what every day is like all the time, but here's one day out of my life:

9:00am - Alarm goes off.
9:40am - I actually get up (mind you, I went to bed at 2am the night before), washed up. Went downstairs, turned on the computer, took the chicken out of the fridge to thaw/defrost in a bowl of water on the kitchen counter.
10:00am - Head over to the Clubhouse to work out.
10:05am - Hopped on an elliptical.
10:25am - Practically fell off the elliptical, cooled down.
10:30am - Went to the lounge to spend some time with God.
10:55am - Drove to the grocery store.
10:56am - After parking, realized I didn't bring my wallet.
10:57am - Drove to Blockbuster to drop off DVDs.
11:00am - Arrived home.
11:01am - Checked email, chatted briefly with Jon and Natasha online.
11:15am - Shower.
11:30am - Started making lunch (garlic scallion noodles with marinated chicken and vegetables, potstickers with dipping sauce). Said good morning to Gene (who is staying over) who just came downstairs.
12:10pm - Eating with Gene, while chatting a little with Mary and Lorraine online.
12:45pm - Started cleaning up the kitchen (put away leftovers, clear dirty dishes, load in dishwasher, handwash other dishes, etc.).
1:20pm - Starting to make almond jello for tonight.
1:25pm - Wayne calls to say hi.
1:40pm - Put a load of dirty laundry in the washer.
1:45pm - Swept/broomvac'ed the kitchen and entryway.
2:00pm - Took a break and surfed the net (e.g. reading blogs, message boards, etc.)
2:15pm - Found a message thread on the recent movie Memoirs of a Geisha and how some people don't understand the "silly" controversy about Chinese actresses playing Japanese roles... (mentality of it being "it's all the same, right?"). Was hugely upset and began to write a message on that thread regarding this issue and about the whole controverial bit on Arthur Golden's book.
2:25pm - Put the almond jelly in the fridge to chill.
2:30pm - Put the washer clothes in the dryer. Hung some out to line dry.
2:45pm - Sat on the couch with Gene and chatted a bit.
3:00pm - With Gene accompanying me, I got the mail and ran errands (grocery store, Walmart, etc.)
4:15pm - Got home, unpacked groceries. Rushed to put the pumpkin pound cake together (thank goodness for my KitchenAid stand mixer!!)
4:50pm - Finally got the poundcake in the oven.
5:00pm - Got the laundry from the dryer, separating clothes and putting them away.
5:35pm - Poundcake timer goes off, I check the cake. Totally jiggly, not done at all! I put the timer for 10 more minutes. I put together the almond jello in a pan, ready to go.
5:45pm - Timer goes off again. I stick a sharp knife in (ran out of toothpicks) and it's STILL wet! 80% wet!! Upset, I set the timer for 15 more minutes and call Wayne (who isn't home yet) to tell him to call up Ryan & Val to say that we can't make it to dinner at their place at 6pm, as expected. Instead, aiming for 6:20pm, with or without the stinking poundcake. I google directions to their place, write it down, and set them on top of the almond jello pan at the foot of the stairs, ready to go.
6:05pm - Wayne comes home. I check the cake again, and it's finally done. Do I have time for it to cool before I wrap it? Barely. I wrap it anyways.
6:10pm - We say goodbye to Gene (leave him with a housekey) and leave for Ryan & Val's, with almond jello and pound cake in tow.
9:30pm - Return home. Bum around for awhile. Check email, watch TV, surf online, knit a little bit.
10:00pm - Boys (Gene and Wayne) are playing Halo 2 on Gene's Xbox.
11:30pm - I remind boys of what time it is (I'm starting to get tired).
12:00am - Second reminder.
12:15am - Third reminder.
12:30am - Boys shut off game and Wayne finally heads upstairs to bed with me. Goodnight!

Posted by Ruth at 12/27/2005


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