This past weekend I was sick as a dog. Chills (fever), body aches, coughing nonstop, and just overall miserable. My hubby was a darling and did his best to take care of me - made me tea, took care of the dishes, made me dinner (tried to feed me even though I wasn't hungry). I didn't eat much, just drank alot of cold and hot liquids to soothe my itchy and irritated throat. I also slept +12 hours a day.
In anycase, I'm feeling much better this morning (yay), so I can finally study for that Mandarin grammar test for tonight and reply to Pak tagging me:
Rules of this game: Post 5 weird and random facts about yourself.
1. I can move my nose up and down my face.
2. My husband was my very first (and only) boyfriend.
3. I still play/sleep with stuffed animals.
4. I love knitting. I've even had dreams about it before.
5. I want to learn Japanese one day (after I've mastered Mandarin, of course).
I won't tag anyone else, but if you want to post 5 weird and random facts of yourself on your own blog, leave a comment on this blog to let me know so I can read it too. =)
Posted by Ruth at 12/05/2005
you can erase this comment, since i now know you have that capability...:D same here... if i ever get married, i'm hoping to maintain the one and only one girlfriend when arriving to that stage in life which i think is something pretty cool and not too many people can claim that... okay... now you can erase it.
you're anonymous! but i think i know who you are anyways =)
Glad that you're feeling better!!
enjoy reading your entries, haven't visit your site for a while. Try to get some updates from here so I can have cool things to talk with you when I see you next week. Hmm, I am writing my five thing on my xanga now. David Chen.
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