Friday, November 25, 2005

My Black Friday

~ Late Thursday night (at the cousins' place): Contemplated going to the Gilroy outlets, after hearing that stores opened at midnight and slashed prices up to 50% all across the board. After 5 minutes of thinking about it, I decided I was too tired to go.

~ Woke up around 9am. Hubby was tugging at me to get up (practically dragged me out of bed). Apparently we already missed some sales. My philosophy is, if people have been crazy enough to be in line all night to get items at 5am in the morning (I heard that people were already lined up at Best Buy at 10pm the night before), those items are probably gone by 9am. But Hubby wanted to check anyways. I was right, all the good stuff was gone.

~ 10-11:30am: Browsed around Oakridge Mall. It was really crowded. Just looking at the lines made me think twice about buying anything. So I didn't.

~ Noon: Lunch at the in-laws. Active discussion on how the heck to teach my FIL on how to use his new digital camera.

~ All afternoon: Doing Mandarin homework (yes, I have a quiz on Monday), did some more knitting on a baby blanket. Pretty proud of myself for almost finishing the blanket and being ahead of schedule on this project. Also watched Bewitched. Cute movie. Will Ferrell always cracks me up and Nicole Kidman was so cute. "Bewitched" has always been a favorite of mine as a TV show.

~ 7:30pm: Dinner with the cousins at Pruneyard.

~ Rest of evening: Met up with C and G in San Jose. Drove back up to Sac with them. Repacking for the rest of the weekend (will be in Tahoe). =)

Posted by Ruth at 11/25/2005


  1. Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie posted at 7:15 PM  
    Sounds like an eventful day :o)

    You should post a pic of the baby blanket when you are finished with it so we can see what it looks like. I'm working on a sweater for my nephew for Christmas, and hope to get a pic taken of it to show on my blog.
  2. Blogger Maggie Ann posted at 8:21 AM  
    My son went to Best Buy yesterday...he did come back with the Star Wars game and dvd's for our son-in-law. Other than that it was a wasted trip for him. I don't like shopping in crowds but I must say my husband is one of the shoppers that....had he been off work, he would have been there about 4;30 a.m. no problem...ugh!!
  3. Blogger me posted at 7:06 AM  
    Active discussion about a digital camera...

    You write about the most engaging things... haha =)

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