Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Weekend in Arizona

It was my first time in Arizona - we flew into Phoenix, rented a car, and drove down to Tuscon for Josh's wedding. Some pictures for you to enjoy!

Evidence that we were really in Arizona - tons of cactus everywhere:

Sightseeing at the Pima Air and Space Museum (Wayne's idea)!

We met up with an old friend there. Here we are inside an old aircraft (Wayne took the picture):

We took a zillion pictures of all the old aircraft (many dating back to the cold war years, and the world wars). I'm not a big fan of aviation history, but it was still very interesting. I'm not posting all the airplane pictures here (there are WAY too many) so you'll just either have to ask me, or go to Tuscon and see it for yourself. =)

Ok, so the real reason why we were in Tuscon - wedding stuff! Here's a group shot of us Sacramento friends at the rehearsal dinner: (Bottom row L to R: Darren, Jerry, Jon, Jeannie, me, Wayne, Syd; Top row L to R: Josh the groom, Peter, Cindy)

I don't have all the fun wedding pictures of all of us (there were alot of goofy ones), but here's several of the newly married couple at the altar.

Tracy wiping away tears:

Josh doing the same:

Congratulations Josh & Tracy!! =D

Posted by Ruth at 11/22/2005


  1. Blogger Maggie Ann posted at 8:14 AM  
    What a beautiful wedding and a beautiful couple. I've enjoyed seeing your pictures...they've brought a tear to my eyes. Marriage is holy ground....I forget that sometimes!

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