Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday's Feast!

Time for some feasting!

When do you feel impatient?
Alot of times. I'm a terrible customer. If you stick me in a really long line and are terribly inefficient with what you do, be prepared for a big fuss.

How many times in your life have you had a broken heart?

Name a book you would like to see made into a movie.
Gosh, I have no idea.

Main Course
If you could thank one teacher for what they taught you, who would it be and what would you thank them for?
There are a handful of them, for varying reasons. The one that comes to mind at the moment is an English teacher who taught a summer writing course at a local junior college. I was 14 at the time, and he helped me loosen up my writing. And my world (he was gay). And at the time, I was pretty naive and blown away by it.

What is your favorite kind of pie?
Dutch apple. I also LOVE banana cream.

Posted by Ruth at 11/18/2005


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