Sunday, November 06, 2005

Revlon's Plum Seduction

Spent part of the afternoon painting my nails. This is the darkest I've ever done!! But I've been eyeing these types of colors for a long time, and couldn't wait til fall to try them out. When I first put it on, I was really hesitant because I wasn't used to my nails being so dark - but Hubby told me I need to be more bold and adventurous with my color palette, and so I finally did it.

I modeled my pretty nails in front of my pretty kitchen appliances. I love my Kitchen Aid food processor and electric mixer! (now that winter's coming, the mixer will get alot of use very soon) =D

Posted by Ruth at 11/06/2005


  1. Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie posted at 4:20 PM  
    Ohhh that is a nice colour!
  2. Blogger Lynda posted at 3:30 PM  
    Hey - I have those same appliances... Love - them !!!
    And, I love that nail polish...gonna have to run out and get some!

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