Monday, September 23, 2002

Weekend was a long one. Probably because I had practically a 4-day weekend... since I took Thursday and Friday off. Ahhhhh... felt nice to veg out and have some personal time. Especially when you have a pounding headache and it feels like someone is sitting on your face all day because of all that pressure in your sinuses. Not to mention the messy runny nose. Yuck.

So anyways, Wayne and I skipped out on little Joelle's birthday party because I passed my lovely germs to Wayne (poor Wayne) and we figured that Paul and Christine would remain our friends if we kept our germs away from their one-year-old daughter. We were right. Instead, we spent some time with Enoch and Pris, and Wayne's parents, who happened to be in town visiting us. My attitude towards my in-laws is getting better, now that they aren't visiting as often. However, I did make a sarcastic comment (joking, of course) about my own parents never visiting, and I think I made Eddie uncomfortable. People aren't ready to laugh off my family problems as much as I can. I guess I've turned cynical (what else can do you?) and feeling sorry for yourself won't help. I've been trying to call my brother just to say hi since I hadn't really talked to him since he made his decision to move to Chicago to do his post-bacc program. From his tone of voice, it sounded like he wasn't interested in keeping in touch, so I let that be and didn't call him back.

And speaking of phone calls, a whole ton of people have been calling me and I admit, I've been screening my calls. So if I didn't get back to you right away (or even at all), I was probably needing some private time and didn't feel like being social (sorry, sometimes I'm fickle that way). Tracy and Priscilla know what I'm talking about. *wink* Just kidding ;-)

Posted by Ruth at 9/23/2002


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