Monday, September 30, 2002

Woke up missing Wayne again. I think I have a serious problem here.

I also have problems feeling homesick. I never had this problem until I moved out of my parents house back in 1999. I would get severe episodes of homesickness and depression, but I wasn't really homesick for a particular location (like my parents' house, etc.) The feelings of homesickness was actually a feeling of needing familiarity and a home, because I actually felt "homeless" emotionally. Call me crazy, but that's how I just feel. So now I sometimes get these episodes, but not as severe as back then. I think I have a problem here. Wayne thinks its because I just need security in my life. The whole thing is silly sounding, and a little frustrating too. Grrrrrr.

Posted by Ruth at 9/30/2002


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