Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Woke up to a better morning. Maybe because I actually got to see Wayne before we both went off to work. He was trying to pin me down so I couldn't get out of bed, but the fear of being late got me up. I'm sure Wayne was late too, but he doesn't care as much. What a morning workout.

After work, I'm going to sit down and force myself to finish chapter one of my thesis. Lucy says I am a lean mean writing machine. Well, its also because Wayne and I have a dinner party thingie with Eugene and Gabby, and then after that we are stopping by Mo's farewell dinner (we double booked tonight -- oops). Hope it'll be fun though. Wanted to show our support to Mo, while at the same time spend some time with Eugene and Gabby and get to know them better.

Posted by Ruth at 9/25/2002


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