Monday, March 17, 2003

Let me start off by saying that I'm extremely slow at processing things. Often times, friends will find me looking lost, confused, or even "spacing out" (i.e. the incident with the noodles on my chopsticks). It just takes awhile for me to internalize things, sort it out, digest it, and be able to spit it back out again on my own terms.

In regards to my newly married life (although its been 9 months or so, it feels like we've been married MUCH longer than that - don't ask me why), alot of my friends ask me what its like and how its been coming along. And sometimes its really difficult to pinpoint what "stage" Wayne and I are at, what things we are struggling with, and all of that. Sometimes it takes a good 6 months to stand back, and with the lightbulb flashing, "So that's what's been happening with us!"

Even with all that pre-marital counseling (got double dosage and then some), being married is like learning to swim. You can read all you want about the subject matter, and be intellectual expert on all the strokes, but once you get in the water, your learning starts all over again. And, accordingly to friends who have been married 20 or even 30 years more, the learning never ends.

Posted by Ruth at 3/17/2003


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