Thursday, August 14, 2003

Yucky stuff

Glad to have my car back again. Because it was still under warranty, the rental didn't cost a thing. I went to turn in the rental and get my car back, and the guy who was giving me a ride back to the dealership got me a little nervous. Overly friendly strangers freak me out a bit, because I'm always scared that they are trying to hit on me or something gross like that. So I always end up mentioning something about my husband early on, if they are trying that hard to have a conversation with me (I don't do well with friendly banter with strangers unless I'm forced to). Like that Raleys lady who was at the checkout stand, making friendly comments about the groceries I'm purchasing. I don't like that. Just run my groceries and let me pay and get home. Another yucky thing that happened today was being hit on while I'm driving in the car. I was on Truxel, at a red light, when this pickup truck (I think it was one of those construction worker guys in my neighborhood) pulls up on my right side. From the corner of my eye, I'm noticing that he's staring at me, smiling at me, and with invitive gestures and flirtatious hand motions, trying to get my attention and all. Good GAWD. I looked away and pretended not to notice. That red light took SO LONG to turn green again. Yuck. Gross gross gross gross....

Posted by Ruth at 8/14/2003


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