Monday, October 20, 2003


With Wayne being on-call this past weekend, I came to a realization about where I am. I'm really needing something new, something different, refreshing, a change. It's been pretty dry, unchallenging, the same old thing. I feel stunted, frustrated, going no where. It's been this way for awhile, but its easy to hide behind Wayne when he's around, and besides, there's not much I can do about it (for now, at least). Outlets have been dry for me too. Sometimes I can live with that, and sometimes I can't. I've been on maintanence mode for awhile now. Should I re-evaluate my burdens? (although I have gotten affirmation/confirmation this past year) Should I wait for my husband? Still thinking and reflecting. Waiting on God again.

Posted by Ruth at 10/20/2003


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