I don't do well with flattery. Part of it is because I have the problem of not knowing how to receive blessings from others. I think I've gotten better at receiving compliments, but sometimes when it gets a bit excessive, it almost falls into the flattery category and then I get embarrassed and weirded out and not sure what to do or how to respond. Probably because I feel weird for accepting such praise that probably isn't true nor am I the source of such praise, and the other reason is just that I plainly don't want to grow a big ego so I'm more hesitant to receive it. Someone once defined to me the difference between a compliment and flattery. I can't remember the distinct details of it, but something along the lines of one of them being that you can take credit for, and another you can't (e.g. it's God that the praise ought to be directed to, not you).
In anycase, why all the random ramblings on flattery? I was just recently bombarded with alot of it today and felt really weird from it. Of course it all strokes the ego, but I want to minimize that. I've been sitting in front of this computer screen for awhile just thinking about it and feeling really weirded out.
Posted by Ruth at 11/12/2004
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