Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Knowing God

Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish/dung, that I may gain Christ.
~ Philippians 3:8

I struggled with this verse for the longest time because it is such a difficult attitude to obtain. How can you consider everything a loss compared to Christ? Can you really think of your family, friends, securities in this life (house/home, husband, bank account, 401K, etc.) as a loss? In theory, it sounds all nice and good, but in practice, it's terribly heart-wrenching. Our God is a jealous God - He wants our entire heart, not just a piece of it. He wants to be God in our lives, and not be replaced with idols that sit at the throne of our hearts where He ought to be sitting at (idols of material posessions, power, career, relationships, etc.). And I've asked myself, What happens if God allows this house to be taken away from me? What happens if He allows my family to be taken away from me? What happens if He allows even Wayne (gasp!) to be taken away from me?

What do I do then? Will I still have an attitude of contentment in God? (Because everything in comparison is a loss -in the KJV, Paul calls it dung!- compared to what I gain in Christ) A heart adjustment is needed here.

This week I started up on J.I. Packer's classic Knowing God (is it a classic yet? Give another decade or so and it will definately be considered a classic haha). My sense is that I am really lacking in my knowledge of Him (Packer distinguishes the difference between knowing of God and knowing about God). My sensitivity and awareness of my lacking in this area grows bigger and bigger. Blackaby's Experiencing God gave me some practical ways to know and personally experience God. Missions is another step closer to knowing the very heart of God (I'm still in the process of grasping it). My appetite for God grows bigger, and I yearn to know who He is, His character, and the things that His heart beats for. With this desire, however, I know the Enemy will do his best to quench it. Even so, I am bracing myself and arming myself the best I know how (continuous prayer! scriptures!). Lord, honor and bless these desires to increasingly grow in the area of truly knowing You and seeking after You more and more!

Posted by Ruth at 11/02/2004


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